Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy Hula Hoopers!

I shot this down at the Harbourfront on Saturday. Someone posted a sign that read: Today is national hula hoop day. There were hoops everywhere for the taking. I tried my hips at it too (no I am not in this photo) I think I may have found my new favourite sport though.

Btw, if anyone knows who organized this event, please let me know. I'd like to get my hands on one of these "professional" hoops.


Cherrylicious said...

Lucky you!

I've lost the ability to hula with puberty. >_<

shuttergirl said...

Oh no, I don't believe that. You just need the right hula hoop and you'll be on your way.

I thought I had lost the ability too, until I tried these hoops. That's why I want one now!

Cherrylicious said...

You think so?

I'll have to try it when you get one.