So here it is, my first post. Having been inspired by other such blogs, I decided it was time to start my own. My goal is to post a new photo every day. Simply for the discipline of shooting on a regular basis. For now I think I'll stick to random pics, maybe once I get into it I'll try using themes... we'll see. What's in a name? Not much, most of the names I wanted were already taken but I guess each pic is made up of dots.. so I'm hoping this will eventually be filled with dots, lots of 'em.
I shot this at
CaseCamp last Tuesday. The Century Room on King St. was a great venue, huge windows provided excellent light, and I love the dark wood floor.
E, You should add your photos to a Flickr account and then stream them into your blog instead. That way people can read your commentary on your blog, but the world can enjoy your photos on Flickr. J
Yeah, I have a Flickr account already. I'll try it out. But blogspot seems to stream from Picasa. Anyway, I'll check it out.
I just wish I could understand your lingo....but I love the idea and I love your photos. So go ahead and enjoy what you are doing and I will enjoy your art along with you...
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